Member-only story
Real Estate Man’s Most Famous Tenant
# 20 Real Estate Man
Real Estate Man had just updated his rental advertisements on Craig’s List and settled in for the anticipated apartment seekers to call, email or text. There seem to be a generational difference in what method of communication potential renters preferred and used. Seems like the two latter options were the choice of connection for younger future occupants. Older heads more often used the phone. This morning the phone rang and Real Estate Man was greeted with a mellifluous “Good Morning!” This cheery salutation was spoken in a baritone voice with a slight New York City accent. There ensued a short conversation with the prospective tenant conveying to Real Estate Man interest in the advertised apartment on 20th St. The cultured sound of this man’s voice didn’t match with the modesty the apartment about which he was inquiring. Real Estate Man tried to suggest something more…..appropriate? (a practice that Real Estate Man found out the following year was against the Real Estate Code of Ethics, albeit for different reasons). Sensing this man was not the type to follow anyone’s suggestions, Real Estate Man made an appointment for 3:00 that afternoon.
These were the pre Skype, Zoom days. Everybody had the pleasure (challenge?) of picturing what the person on the other end of the line resembled before they met personally. Real…