InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeHow to Make Money from NothingThe transfer of money sometimes happens in unpleasant ways.Apr 1, 20224785Apr 1, 20224785
InWriters’ BlokkebyBrian Dickens BarrabeeIs Your Work Your Dream Job?Happiness can be found with an either a YES or NO answer to that question.Sep 23, 20212574Sep 23, 20212574
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeTax Avoidance: Can This Be True?He claimed he bought his expensive suits and boots with my tax money!Oct 26, 20212223Oct 26, 20212223
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeAn Investment GuaranteeThere is only one guarantee found in all equity investmentsNov 2, 20212141Nov 2, 20212141
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeAnyone Can Get RichI’ve known people from all walks of life who’ve become rich. They’ve achieved their wealth in many different ways.Nov 6, 20212113Nov 6, 20212113
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeUnorthodox MarketingSay what you want, laugh if you will, this bit of primitive marketing paid off in unexpected ways.Nov 26, 20211883Nov 26, 20211883
InThe HavenbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeHow I was Saved from MyselfMy most unlikely savior was the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.Dec 6, 20214404Dec 6, 20214404
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeHired to be FiredMost people accept and understand moves involving career advancement.Dec 10, 20212473Dec 10, 20212473
InWriters’ BlokkebyBrian Dickens BarrabeeI Was Denied by UberThe driver spoke with authority to get that thing out of her vehicle. She told us to seek a ride elsewhere.Dec 13, 20215205Dec 13, 20215205
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeI Blew the Bank LoanWhen I saw it was him, I knew any type of financing I was seeking wouldn’t be approved.Dec 18, 20213734Dec 18, 20213734
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeI’m a Crazy Redheaded CuntPlease don’t blame the messenger, this is how the fair lady described herself.Dec 25, 20214304Dec 25, 20214304
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeDon’t be Sold when Selling your HomeIn many areas of the country, single family homes are selling at record prices.Jan 4, 20222854Jan 4, 20222854
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeRealistic PaychecksIf you went to a party where fellow partygoers worked in only one profession, which line of work would you chose?Jan 19, 20221422Jan 19, 20221422
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeMake Money with Your ArtAnyone who’s in the arts knows how difficult it is making money.Jan 19, 20224254Jan 19, 20224254
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeSay No And Get RichIn order to build wealth it’s often more important to learn to say no than it is to say yes.Aug 12, 20211501Aug 12, 20211501
InCurated NewslettersbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeThe Greatest Sales Closing Line Of All Time.We entered the store. There didn’t appear to be another sole on the premises. Suddenly an elderly woman seemed to materialize as if she…Mar 8, 20213351Mar 8, 20213351
InDataDrivenInvestorbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeHow We Got Our First Big ClientI thought my partner had talked us out of any chance we had in making the sale.Mar 9, 202153Mar 9, 202153
InCurated NewslettersbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeThe First Sales Job Held By EveryoneIf you’ve had a career in sales, chances are you’ve been introduced to White Cloverine Salve. No, no not using it; selling it.Mar 10, 20211041Mar 10, 20211041
InCurated NewslettersbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeIf The Lady Feels Insulted, It’s An Insult; I ThinkAll I learned , held sacred, went flying out the windowMar 22, 20213021Mar 22, 20213021
InCurated NewslettersbyBrian Dickens BarrabeeDon’t Be A Victim Of FraudUnfortunately, scams and fraud are a part of life in today’s America. No one is immune. Watch out! Protect yourself!Apr 10, 20212511Apr 10, 20212511